Speak and share.
Introduce yourself
to your American guide.
Don't forget
to say something really personal!
Where is Central Park located?
What type of park is it?
Give its superficy (in hectares).
How many people visit the park every year?
When did it open ? q in 1859
q in 1873
q in 1963.
the 2 architects who designed the park.
Name a
summer festival taking place every ear in the park.
Tick the elements you can
find in the park:
q a cinema q a swimming-pool q a castle q ice-rinks* (* patinoires)
q a zoo q a post office q a forest q a carousel* (* manège)
q a Conservatory Garden q a theater q an aquarium q children playgrounds
q a marionette theatre
Cars can drive in Central Park at night. q Right q Wrong.
Name 3 sports you can practise in summer.
Name 3 activities (no sports!) you can do there in winter.
Give Central Park’s opening hours.
Where can you eat in Central Park?
How many trees are there
in Central Park?
How many benches can you sit on ? How many playgrounds?
How many bridges and arches are there in the park?
How many types of birds? How many fountains?
Central Park is full of great and original places to relax and have fun.
Find the name of
the place where you can see a
tribute* (* hommage) to John Lennon.
Why is
there a tribute to Lennon in this park?
can go ice-skating in winter.
… you
can enjoy reading surrounded by many different flowers:
is the biggest amount* (* quantité) of water.
can see a famous romantic iron* (* fer)
…there is a castle:
When was this castle designed?
…you can see a polar bear.
many different species can you see there? ___________
…you can see plays such as Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet.
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