
Welcome thrilling and spooky October!


What is (French) secularism?

For Everyone

For the Explorers

For the Bold and the Experts



On that day, in 1890, 

Yosemite National Park was established by

the U.S. Congress.

Experience Yosemite National Park!
Answer the questions below.


1) In which state is Yosemite located?

2) What can you find in Yosemite?

- 3) From which age does it date from?

4) How many visitors are there each year?

5) Which kind of landscapes can you see

in the Yosemite Valley?

Take the  notes you find relevant.

Look, read and understand.
Which kind of scene is depicted above?

On October 3, 1906, 

the SOS signal was established.

Watch and understand
 Answer the questions below.

1) What are  and  called?
2) What is used to tap out the SOS signal?
3) What did long and short sounds signify?
4) Who invented this long-distance communication?
5) Which services still use Morse code today?

Look, read and guess.
Do you recognize this man in the picture above?

He was an American business magnate,
an industrial designer, an investor, a media proprietor and many more. 
He was a pioneer of 
the PC [=Personal Computer] era!
He was born in California.
He was raised by adoptive parents.
He was mad about video games.
He became a video game designer.
With his friend Stephen Wozniak, 
he became the founder of Apple
that he built
... in his parents' garage!

This genius died on that day in 2011.

Watch and understand
 Ask 5 questions after watching the video.

Do you have an iPhone? an iPad?
How far/deep do you think
you are addicted to it?

What do you like (or not like) about 
Apple products?

Look and describe.
Do you recognize this logo?

Discover and note down some interesting facts !

1-Do you have an Instagram account
or someone among your acquaintances?

2-What types of photos do you upload
on Instagram?

3-How often do you use Instagram?

4-Who do you follow on Instagram?

Look and describe.
Do you recognize this logo?

On that day, in 2008,
this media platform was launched.

What do you learn?

1) What does Spotify allow you to do?

2) Where was Spotify created?

1) Do you use Spotify?

2) How often do you use Spotify?

3) When do you use Spotify?

On that day, in 1888,
The Washington Monument opened to the public.

Discover and take the notes that interest you.

Look and describe.
Do you recognize this Pakistani girl?

On that day, in 2014, 
this Pakistani girl activist for female education 
won the Nobel Peace Prize.

Watch, listen and take notes.

1) Where does Malala come from?

2) Who is she?

 3) What happened to her on October 9, 2012?

Look and describe.
Who is the event about?
What was his job?
Which country did he work for?
What is he famous for?
What are the names of his boats?

On that day, in 1492,
this Spanish Conquistador reached the Americas.

Look at the map below, describe, explain.

What was CC's first voyage?
What was his second voyage?
What was his third voyage?
What was his fourth voyage?

Watch, listen and take notes.

1) What was the first place spotted by the fleet?

2) Is Columbus Day celebrated everywhere
in the country?

Look, read and understand
 Explain and react.
What do you understand about CC's "action(s)"?

Read and understand.
What do you understand of the issue?

Watch and understand.
What is behind the Myth?

Watch and understand.
What is at stake with CC's "story"?

What is the Indigenous people's "true feelings" about US History... their History?

Look and describe.
Do you recognize this place of power?

 On that day, in 1792,
the construction of this place of power began in Washington D.C.

Watch and understand.
What do you learn?

1) Where is the White House?

2) Who lives there?

3) What are the other names of the White House?

4) When was the White House officially called 'The White House'?
5) Where are all the important decisions signed?

Look and describe.
What can you see on the pictures above?
Which civilization are they related to?
What does each element symbolize?

came into effect.

                  The 20th Amendment was adopted

                           on January 23, 1933.

The Amendment indicates the beginning and end of the president's term of office. The president's term of office begins at noon (= 12 p.m.) on January 20 of the year following the election.

Is the U.S. President directly elected 

by the Americans?

Look and describe.
Where is the scene?
Who is in this scene?
What is striking about this scene?
Can you guess why these two athletes are behaving
this way?

On that day, in 1968, 
Tommie Smith and John Carlos, 
two black athletes, 
were suspended by
 the United States Olympic Committee
for giving a "black power" salute 
as a protest during a victory ceremony
in Mexico City.

In his autobiography entitled Silent Gesture, Tommie Smith wrote that his gesture 
was not a "Black Power" salute, 
but a "human rights salute".

 what Tommie Smith and John Carlos protested against.

Look at the photo carefully
and say what the two athletes 
were wearing or not wearing on the podium!

On that day, in 1959, 
the Guggenheim Museum opened in NYC.

1) Who built the museum?
2) What is specific about its form?
3) Which nickname did it get?
4) What was the builder's aim?
5) What did this place symbolize?

Look and describe.
What do you see in the picture above?

1) Do you have this  device [FR: "équipement."]?
2) What device do you use to listen to music?

3) When and where do you listen to music?

4) Do you listen to music only
    or do you listen to other programs?

On that day, in 2001, the iPod was released.

Watch, listen and understand.
What is Steve Jobs' vision of the introduction of iphones in people's life?

Look and describe.
Do you recognize the logo above?

On that day, in 1945, 
this intergovernmental organization.
came into existence.

1) How many countries were represented in 1945?

2) How many countries are represented today?

3) What is the main objective of the United Nations?

4) How many permanent members compose the Security Council?

5) Give the names of these permanent members.


What did you learn?

Break Time 
for Help and for the Best!

Revise the Time in English.

Step 1
Recap Analog time!

Step 2
Recap Digital time!

How to use Time prepositions...

Have your karaoke!

Feel more nostalgic
about the passing of time?

When you are in love 
and longing for attention
and love display...

When a Beloved one
is hit by a disease
or is near to pass away...

Look and describe.
What can you see?
In which country do you think this landscape loacated?

On that day, in 1985,
the Australian government returned ownership of Uluru to the Aborigines.

Watch and discover.
What do you learn  about Uluru?

What is the issue with Uluru?
Do you understand? Why or why not?

Look, describe and explain.
What kind of document is it?
What is the event about?

October 29,  1929
also known as Black Tuesday, marked the end of

the Stock Market Crash of 1929.

Watch, listen and learn.

What do you understand?

For the Explorers

For the Bold and the Experts


1) What was the name given to the period that followed the Great Crash?

2)How much money did the market lose?

Discover a song.

Listen and understand.
Write down the key words you understand.

Read and understand.
Copy the lyrics and highlight the key words.




Who created...?


1) What is the document?
2) Who is it addressed to?
3) How is it designed?
4) How many recommendations does it contain?
5) What are the 5 safe rules 
for using the Internet?
6) Compare with the "tips"
given to elder teens like you.

Listen and understand.

Ed Sheeran takes a year's break
from social media!


... and understand.
(complete the worksheet.)

a-Could you live
without your portable? 
Why or why not?
b-Would you be able to leave your portable off just for 1 day or is it impossible?
c-Do you think you are addicted to social media ? Which one(s)?
(Do you have a favourite one? Why?)

Make your own Halloween file!

Assessment criteria

1) Task done/2.
[completely and in due time]
2) Presentation /6.
/title/contents/Action numbers/instructions/The end]
3) Contents /6.
[right answers]
4) Language /6.
[vocabulary/grammar/word order

dO ThE hAlLoWeEn QuIz!
You'll get the result after the holidays!

Copy on paper the 8 propositions
by giving your own answers 
with complete sentences +letter.

rEvIsE yOuR hAlLoWeEn VoCaBuLaRy!
Create a page with illustrations or a word list.

BeT yOu DiDn'T kNoW!
Watch the video and answer the questions on paper.

1. When is Halloween every year ?

2. What do you know about the origins of Halloween ? 

Who celebrated Halloween originally ?

3. What country does Halloween come from originally ?

4. Symbolically, Halloween straddles the line between fall and winter but also between what and what, for people ?

5. What were people afraid of at the time ?

6. What did they do exactly ?

7. In the 2nd part of the 19th century, Halloween became extremely popular in the USA ? Why ?

8. What are the traditional colors for Halloween ? What do they symbolize ?

9. Explain what “Trick or Treat” means in English. Rephrase it in English in your own words.

10. “Trick or Treat”, how did it all began ?

11.What is a Jack-o-lantern ?

12.What story does it refer to ?

13. Excluding “trick or treating”, what do people traditionally do for Halloween today ?

14. Bobbing for apples is a tradition for Halloween. Can you guess what it consists in ?

15.What does “RIP” stand for in English ?

16.Name one famous book in Gothic Literature, a must-read book for Halloween.

17.Why is the following sentence funny : “I witch you a funny Halloween” ?

18.Halloween is the second most commercially successful holiday in the USA. What is number #1 ?

vIsIt HalLoWeEn TyPiCaL TrAdItIoNs.
What are these traditions?
What are their characteristics?


cHaLlEnGe YoUrSeLf WiTh An EsCaPe GaMe!
Click on the link below and follow the instructions.

[Many thanks to Ms. Beaubreuil!]


cHaLlEnGe YoUrSeLf
pLaY a short HaLlOwEn ScEnE
of 3 minutes!

Assesment criteria

1) Part done /2.
2) Interactive game /3.
3) Right body posture /3. 
4) Relevant tone and rythm /4.
5) Relevant speech /4.
6) Appropriate language /4.

Choose a partner.
Choose your Halloween character.
Imagine a dialogue between you!
(you may write a draft.)

Students' performances soon!


Look, describe and explain.






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  https://view.genial.ly/5b1e375826ce1a1a94f98f4d http://www.englishnexon.com/pages/my-applis-meal/applis-3emes/tous-les-temps.html https://...